Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lack of Originality? 01_23_07

After analyzing my dream with various tools and sites, I have come to the conclusion that my dreams are telling me I need to speak up, be myself and not let my ideas and goals be swept under the carpet. Lately, I have been very frustrated. I feel I do not speak about what is on my mind nearly enough. I typically just bury everything deep down inside. Now, I know this is really bad for me. And because of this issue, my dreams have been catching my attention these last few weeks.

Last nights dreams was a bit unsettling. I started out at work. I was in a performance hall setting up for the kids to rehearse and eventually perform. I was standing in this cave (I suppose the entrance) and there was this incredible earthquake. Maybe I am being "shook up?"
I did survive by crawling out and eventually found a few friends and family.

Then I discovered I was on a bus.
I was sitting in a seat with a laptop, typing a paper that was due for a class. Apparently I was back in school. This took place at my old high school. I discover that I lost my laptop. I thought I put it in the overhead bin, but it looked like everyone elses. Hmm, lack of originality?

Eventually I just thought I should go eat breakfast and I woke up hungry, ready to eat breakfast. And still, I have yet to eat breakfast. With that being said, the conclusion I have come to is that I need to assert myself and stop "going with the flow."

Breakfast time....

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